2 call outs during a foggy evening


At 2017hrs on Tuesday 3rd September 2013, Guernsey Coastguard received a Pan call from the local boat “Tahini” requesting assistance as he was lost in the fog returning from Herm.

The Life Boat had just returned from exercise and was launched to assist in finding the casualty; the Lifeboat departed at 2020hrs and found the “Tahini” off the Lower Heads at 2035hrs escorting them back to St Peter Port Harbour arriving at 2057hrs.


At 2220hrs on Tuesday 3rd September 2013 Guernsey Coastguard received a call reference the local Rib “Stingher” overdue from a trip back from Herm with one person onboard.

The Lifeboat launched at 2320 making a search around Herm & Jethou, at 0221 this morning the Lifeboat found “Stingher” upturned on the Aiguillons Rock (approximately 1/2nm SW of Jethou) with the skipper next to the Rib.

The Lifeboat rescued the skipper then returned to St Peter Port Harbour transferring the casualty to St John’s Ambulance and Rescue Service at 0240.

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