3 Calls in one day for the St Peter Port Lifeboat

AIS track from Digimap

At 15:47 on Saturday 29th June 2019, Guernsey Coastguard received a VHF radio call from the local dive vessel Delphys declaring that they had two divers missing in a position approximately 9 cables west of Gross Rock to the north end of Cobo bay on the west coast of Guernsey. Due to the serious nature of the incident, a Mayday relay message was broadcast by Guernsey Coastguard and the St Peter Port Lifeboat ‘Spirit of Guernsey’ was launched to assist with the search along with the local charter vessel Access Challenger.

As the Channel Islands Airsearch aircraft is currently off service a request for a UK Coastguard helicopter was also made and Rescue 175 was tasked by the U.K’s Aeronautical, Rescue, Coordination, Center (ARCC), to assist the local responders.

At 16:23 the dive vessel Delphys called to say that they had found the missing divers safe and well on the surface and once their condition had been assessed by the Lifeboat crew all search assets were stood down and both Delphys and the Lifeboat returned to St Peter Port arriving back into the Harbour at about 17:00.

At 17:45 the St Peter Port Lifeboat was launched for a second time to standby the 32m sailing vessel Liara which was in the Little Russel. The vessel had suffered a control failure of its controllable pitch propeller and was unable to proceed un-assisted into St Peter Port.

The Lifeboat was quickly on scene along with the St Peter Port Pilot vessel ‘Golden Spur’ who had kindly offered their assistance.

It was as the Lifeboat was stood-by Liara that a third call came in to Guernsey Coastguard from the motor vessel Aganda which reported that they had left Dielette on the Normandy coast of France at about 16:00. They had become disorientated in fog and were unsure of their position and required assistance.

After some time it was ascertained that the Aganda was approximately 5.9 nautical miles north of Platte Fougere lighthouse on the north-east coast of Guernsey and as the sailing vessel Liara was now being assisted into St Peter Port by the Pilot vessel, the St Peter Port Lifeboat was tasked for a third time in one day to go to the assistance of the motor vessel Aganda.

The Lifeboat escorted Aganda back towards Guernsey however a tow had to be established after a technical issue prevented Aganda from proceeding on her own power.

Both vessels arrived back into St Peter Port Harbour at 20:10 and the Lifeboat was back on station at 20:23.

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