“Spirit of Guernsey” called to assist “Grasort”. A 29m converted workboat

Wednesday 27th May 2015 at 1922 A call was received by Guernsey Coastguard from “Grasort” that she had main engine failure and was requesting assistance as she was unable to proceed. The vessel was at a position 17 miles North West of Guernsey, not far from the main shipping lanes

1927 as no vessels offered assistance to the “Grasort”, the St Peter Port Lifeboat” Spirit of Guernsey” was dispatched to go to the vessels assistance.

1939 Lifeboat Pier heads proceeding to casualty.

2045 Vessel alongside casualty, tow being established.

2100 Tow established- Lifeboat +”Grasort” returning to St Peter Port. The tow is very difficult as the rudder is jammed hard starboard so tow is only making 8 knots.

2359 ETA back in St Peter Port


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