Motor Cruiser “Beryl Ann” collision with Gate Rock prompts the launch of St Peter Port Lifeboat

Yesterday evening (Friday 11th March) at 2318, Guernsey Coastguard received a telephone call from The Mermaid Inn on Herm advising that a motor cruiser had struck Gate Rock and two people were believed to be in the water. St Peter Port Lifeboat “The Spirit of Guernsey” was launched and quickly located the vessel, “Beryl Ann”, which was well aground.

“The Spirit of Guernsey” recovered two people from Gate Rock, who were still with “Beryl Ann”, and confirmed that they were the only occupants. “The Spirit of Guernsey” returned them to St Peter Port and The States of Guernsey Vessel “Sarnia” recovered “Beryl Ann” this morning

Photo by Carl Bisson

Photo by Carl Bisson


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