Renewal and upgrading of Navigational equipment

The work on renewal and upgrading of Navigational equipment on board the St Peter Port Lifeboat ” Spirit of Guernsey” and associated familiarisation and training has now been satisfactorily completed.

This morning, “Spirit of Guernsey” was hauled up at the Marine and General shipyard, St. Sampsons at 7 am for its six monthly “Wash,  Brush up and inspection”.  Among other minor planned jobs will include an oil change, a full high pressure water wash  of the hull and  a coat of antifouling paint.  “Spirit of Guernsey” will return to the water  on tomorrow morning’s high tide.

In the meantime, the relief lifeboat “Volunteer Spirit” will remain on station.  On satisfactory return to service of the “Spirit of Guernsey”,  “Volunteer Spirit” will return to the UK.

Peter Gill
Lifeboat Operations Manager

photo by Carl Bisson

photo by Carl Bisson

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