“Spirit of Guernsey”  called to assist a person stuck by the rising tides on rocks

On Saturday 2nd June, 2018

1918 A call was received at JESSC, from a member of the public that a man was cut off by the rising tide on rocks 100m offshore from Bordeaux Harbour on the east coast. As there was still more than two hours before High Water it was decided to go Lifeboat Red to ensure the safety of the casualty on the rocks.

1924 In the interim a local fisherman, who was moving his fishing boat into the inner harbour was able to recover the casualty from the rocks and brought him to the pier at the south side of Bordeaux Inner Harbour.

Apart from having soggy trousers from his exploit on the rocks, the non-local gentleman came to no harm, and was educated as to the range of tide that is experienced in our local waters!

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