“The Spirit Of Guernsey” tasked  to assist a 10m yacht 4 miles north of Sark

On Tuesday 31st July 2018 at 1733, a call was received from Crossma Joburg, informing Guernsey Coastguard that a French 10m yacht “Octave” had suffered an engine failure and was unable to sail due to the lack of wind. A French fishing boat, “Bambi” was close by and Crossma Joburg organised between the two vessels, to tow “Octave“ to St Peter Port. At the start of the incident “Octave” was in the vicinity of the Schole Bank, northeast from Guernsey.

Unfortunately, the “Bambi“ that had been towing “Octave”, suffered an overheating engine and was unable to continue with the tow.

Guernsey Coastguard put out an “all ships call” asking for assistance for the disabled yacht.

As there were no available vessels to go to the assistance of the yacht “The Spirit of Guernsey” was tasked to the yacht`s assistance

2045 Lifeboat Yellow
2104 Lifeboat at the Pier Heads bound for the casualty
2130 Lifeboat alongside casualty – connecting a tow.
2305 Lifeboat expected back in St Peter Port –with the casualty.

M.T. Gaudion
Duty SAR

AIS tracking courtesy of Digimap

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