Fishing Vessel “Kendor” – St Peter Port Lifeboat Launched to assist broken down vessel

At 1110 on Monday 6th May, Guernsey Coastguard received a PAN PAN urgency call from the fishing vessel “Kendor” which had broken down in the vicinity of Vivian Beacon, approximately half a mile south of the entrance to St Sampson’s Harbour. The vessel had 2 people onboard and was drifting towards the breakwater at Longue Hougue.

St Peter Port Lifeboat the “Spirit of Guernsey” launched at 1129 and was on scene within 5 minutes. None of the crew of the vessel sustained any injuries and she was safely towed back to St Peter Port arriving shortly before midday.

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-19 Guernsey Harbour’s Marina Dory taking the small Fishing boat Kendor towards the Swan Pontoon’s after it had been towed into St Peter Port Harbour by Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey, after it had broken down near Vivian Beacon near Belle Greve Bay.

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