“Spirit of Guernsey” launched to escort sailing vessel

Photo by Tony Rive

At 1805 on Sunday 22nd September 2019, Guernsey Coastguard received a radio call from a 45ft sailing vessel with 3 crew on board asking for assistance. The vessel was 5.5 miles North West of the Hanois Lighthouse and her engine was overheating. Whilst the fresh westerly breeze was allowing her to sail, she was struggling in increasingly high seas.

Given fading light and deteriorating weather conditions, St Peter Port All Weather Lifeboat (ALB) “Spirit of Guernsey” launched at 1843 in order to locate the vessel and to escort her safely back to St Peter Port. The ALB arrived on scene at 1905 and after conducting a welfare check with the vessel and her crew, it was agreed that she would sail under escort to St Peter Port.

Shortly after 2100 as both casualty and lifeboat approached the pier heads, a tow was established due to the ongoing issue with the overheating engine. Once safely in the Harbour, the tow was handed over to Harbour staff and the lifeboat returned to station.

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