Lifeboats launch to search for overdue snorkeler

At 3:15pm on Friday 28th August 2020, Guernsey Coastguard received a call from a member of the public reporting concern for his friend who was 45 minutes overdue in returning to land having been snorkelling on the west coast of Herm.

Given choppy conditions and the fact that the man had not been positively seen since 1pm, St Peter Port All Weather Lifeboat (ALB) and Inshore Lifeboat (ILB) were both launched in order to conduct a search. Channel Island Air Search was also paged and another vessel in the area was able to assist.

Lifeboats were on scene by 3:45pm and after conducting a short search around the Rocquerie and Plat Houmet area, the man was located safe and well shortly after 4pm having lost track of time. He was returned to Herm Harbour and both Lifeboats and Airsearch were stood down.

photo by Dylan Ray
photo by Dylan Ray
photo by Dylan Ray

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