St Peter Port Lifeboat Launched to Assist Broken Down Vessel

At 23:29 on Saturday 29th May 2021, Guernsey VTS received a radio call from the small motor vessel ‘Taz’ which was seeking assistance. The vessel had 4 people onboard and had suffered mechanical failure approximately 1 nautical mile east of St Peter Port Harbour.

Guernsey VTS passed co-ordination of the incident to Guernsey Coastguard who attempted to gain assistance from any vessels in the area but unfortunately no help was available.

St Peter Port Lifeboat “Spirit of Guernsey” was launched and proceeded to the assistance of ‘Taz’ at 23:55. Once located, a tow was quickly established and ‘Taz’ was towed safely back to St Peter Port Harbour, arriving at 00:15 on 30th May, where the tow was handed over to Guernsey Ports marina staff.

‘Taz’ was safely secured to a pontoon by 00:35 and the incident was closed shortly afterwards.

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