Assistance of french yacht “Rytmic”

On Saturday, 17th September, 2016, the St Peter Port Lifeboat went to the assistance of a French yacht 10 miles off the West coast of Guernsey. The 8.7m “Rytmic” with 1 person on board, had difficulties with its mainsail and had engine failure.  Guernsey Coastguard were alerted at 17:38 local time by French Station Cross Joburg and the decision was taken to launch the Lifeboat.

The Spirit of Guernsey departed St Peter Port at 18:37 and was alongside the casualty at 19:00.  A tow was established and the Lifeboat arrived back at St Peter Port with “Rytmic” at 20:05.

Pic by Tony Rive 17-09-16 Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey towing a French yacht with 1 Man aboard back to St Peter Port after taking to yacht in tow approximately 2.5 miles north of Guernsey. The Crewman unable to speak english communicated with Crossma Joberg who in turn contacted Guernsey Coastguards stating the yacht needed help. after a long tow back to St Peter Port, both vessel's arrived in Port at about 2000.

Pic by Tony Rive 17-09-16
Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey towing a French yacht with 1 Man aboard back to St Peter Port

Pic by Tony Rive 17-09-16 Guernsey's Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey towing a French yacht approximately 2.5 miles north of Guernsey. The Lone Yachtsman had requested assistance calling Crossma Joborg who in turn called Guernsey Coastguards requesting to help of the Lifeboat. Both vessel's arrivind in St Peter Port approximately 2000.

Pic by Tony Rive 17-09-16
Guernsey’s Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey towing the French yacht

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