Assistance to “Petit Mel” and “Lbigniew Bounski”

At 1512 Guernsey Coastguard received a call from the fishing vessel “Petit Mel” (requesting immediate assistance) taking water with three crew onboard in a position approximately 4nm Northeast of Sark.
The “Sark Venture” and “Margaret K” arrived on scene first and stood by the “Petit Mel” until the Life Boat arrived at 1556 with salvage pumps.

The Lifeboat departed St Peter Port at 1529 and found the “Petit Mel” at 1556, after transferring a salvage pump on board the casualty the Lifeboat then towed the vessel back to St Peter Port harbour arriving at 1755.

At 2215 this evening Guernsey Coastguard received a call for assistance from the Polish yacht “Lbigniew Bounski” tangled in fishing gear approximately 6nm South of Guernsey with 8 crew on board.

The Lifeboat departed St Peter Port at 2250 and found the “Lbigniew Bounski” at 2320 anchored to the sea bed with fishing gear, the Lifeboat cut the yacht free then towed the casualty back to St Peter Port harbour arriving approximately 0100 Sunday morning.

45′ Barnabas

At 19:24 local time, Guernsey Coastguard received a call from the French Rescue Centre, X-Mar of a vessel becalmed with mechanical and electrical problems 40 miles west of Guernsey.

As no other vessel was able to assist, the St Peter Port Lifeboat “Spirit of Guernsey” was launched at 20:30 to tow the forty five foot Barnabas with eight crew to Guernsey.

The lifeboat was on scene at 22:40 and back in St Port with the casualty at 04:27.

Assistance to “Balmee” disabled 12m French Yacht


A call was received by Guernsey Coastguard from Crosma Joburg requesting assistance for the yacht “ Balmee” that had managed to become entangled with a pot marker and was unable to proceed.

As there was no other vessel in the area to assist the disabled yacht; the “Spirit of Guernsey “was launched to go to the yacht`s assistance.

1230 Lifeboat Yellow
1248 Lifeboat Pierheads
1410 Lifeboat alongside casualty.
1436 Tow established, returning to St Peter Port.
1615 ”Spirit of Guernsey” and tow expected back into St Peter Port

The yacht was 7nm SE of Sark.

Man Overboard

At about 00:45 this morning the French yacht Jouvente, having just arrived in St Peter Port advised the duty Marina staff that they had a man in the water. When questioned further it transpired that this had not just occurred but had in fact occurred at around 21:00 on Saturday, off the Hanois Lighthouse. The lifeboat crew were immediately paged and the Channel Island Air Search crew soon after. The lifeboat departed St Peter Port at 01:10 and Channel Island Air Search took off shortly afterwards. At 04:12 the Channel Island Air Search aircraft was stood down and a resumption of searching by the a/c arranged for 0600. At 05:20 the Ambulance and Rescue Service Inshore rescue boats were requested. They were tasked with searching the inshore waters of Rocquaine Bay and Lihou Island and later up as far as Richmond corner and the outlying rocks. They were stood down at 09:35

A substantial area South and South West of the Island were searched based on the information given by the crew of the vessel in addition the Big Russel and Little Russel were both also searched, unfortunately to no avail. At half past nine the lifeboat returned to St Peter Port to refuel and at that time it was decided to suspend the search until the time of the incident and any other relevant information could be better determined. The Channel Island Air Search aircraft returned to the airport for fuel and crew change at 09:45 and the crew were also advised that the search had been suspended.

At 12:55 as a result of further information Channel Island Air Search took off and searched an area between Boue Blondel of the West coast of Guernsey and the SW Bank of the Casquets, again nothing was found, the aircraft returned to Guernsey at 15:38. There being no further information and with the weather deteriorating the operation was terminated at 18:00.

French Yacht Jouvente - Picture by Tony Rive

“Spirit of Guernsey” launched to assist “Restless”a local Fast Fisher (7.0m)

0259 3rd February, 2013 A call was received from the local Cabin Cruiser “Restless”, just east of the Lower Heads, Little Russel, that she had lost all her electrics along with her engine and was unable to proceed. Unfortunately, at this time, there was no other vessel to assist the casualty so the “Spirit of Guernsey” was tasked to rescue the vessel.

0300 Lifeboat Yellow

0322 Lifeboat pierheads…. proceeding

0552 After an extensive search of the Lower Heads area, south coast of Guernsey, (down tide) the casualty was located 1.5miles north-east of Sark. The search had been severely hampered by the lack flares, lights or correctly known position.

Once the Lifeboat located the casualty , a tow was established and the vessel towed back to St Peter Port.

0640 “Spirit of Guernsey “ and casualty arrived back in St Peter Port

“Spirit of Guernsey” launched to assist “Amy-Blue ”a local fishing boat (14.3m)

Amy Blue heading for the Fish Quay Picture by Tony Rive

At 1753 on Wednesday 30th January, 2013, a call was received from the local fishing boat “Amy Blue”, just north of the Beq Du Nez, Sark

She had fouled her propeller with a discarded net or rope and was having difficulty making way with the strong Spring Tides. Unfortunately, at this time,there was no other vessel to assist the casualty. ”HMS St Albans” was in Guernsey waters carrying out navigation exercises and kindly offered any assistance that she could offer to assist with the Casualty.

1800 Lifeboat Yellow
1821 Lifeboat pier heads proceeding to the Casualty.
1836 “Spirit of Guernsey” alongside Casualty, tow being established.
1950 “Spirit of Guernsey” and the “Amy-Blue” expected back in St Peter Port