St Peter Port Lifeboat, “The Spirit of Guernsey”, Launched to Search for a Possible Body in the Water

Sunday 8th May 2016. a telephone call was received by Guernsey Coastguard, from a member of the public, who believed they had seen a body floating in the water at the entrance to Vazon Bay. A subsequent second sighting appeared to indicate that, if it were a body, it had been in the water for some considerable time. St Peter Port Lifeboat, “The Spirit of Guernsey”, was launched to search the area.

The St Peter Port Lifeboat searched the area around Richmond while Police and Local Fishermen conducted a shoreline search of Vazon Bay, Richmond and Perelle Bay. With no further sightings and no reports of a missing person the search was suspended for the night.

Police returned to the area at first light to check the shoreline once more but nothing further was seen.

St Peter Port Lifeboat Launched to Assist Two People in a Dinghy, In Difficulty Near Brecqhou

Friday 6th May 2016. This evening St Peter Port Lifeboat, “The Spirit of Guernsey”, was launched to assist two people in difficulty in a dinghy near Brecqhou.  The alarm was raised by the Sark Constable following a report from a member of the public.

Local vessels “New Dawn”, “Jabawoki” and the Sark Sea Fisheries RIB also responded to an all ships broadcast from Guernsey Coastguard.

The occupants of the dinghy managed to get ashore on Brecqhou where the Lifeboat collected them and transferred them to St Peter Port. Shortly after this the yacht “Mahadir” called Guernsey Coastguard, on VHF Channel 16, reporting two members of their crew lost in a dingy.

“Mahadir” was advised that the two missing crew were tired, cold, wet but safe and on their way to St Peter Port. Following a check over by Paramedics, the two from the dinghy were reunited with “Mahadir” when she arrived in St Peter Port Harbour later.

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-16 Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey speeds out of St Peter Port this eving to pick up to French Young People who got into difficulties in their Dinghy off Brecqhou. They were collected from Brecqhou Harbour and returned to St Peter Port.

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-16
Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey speeds out of St Peter Port this evening to pick up to French Young People who got into difficulties in their Dinghy off Brecqhou. .

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-16 Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey returning to St Peter Port harbour after picking up two young French People who got into Trouble in their Dingy off Brecqhou Island. They were picked up from Brecqhou Harbour and bought back to St Peter Port to be checked out by St John Ambulance Personnel. Although Cold and Wet, neither had any injuries.

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-16
Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey returning to St Peter Port harbour after picking up two young French People who got into Trouble in their Dinghy off Brecqhou Island. They were bought back to St Peter Port to be checked out by St John Ambulance Personnel. Although Cold and Wet, neither had any injuries.

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-16 Spirit of Guernsey returning to St Peter Port following a successful rescue of two young French people who had got into trouble in their dinghy off Jethou.

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-16
Spirit of Guernsey returning to St Peter Port following a successful rescue of two French people who had got into trouble in their dinghy off Brecqhou.

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-16 Lifeboat Coxswain Jason Norman gives the Thumbs-Up as he brings Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey back into St Peter Port after a siuccessful rescue of two young French people from Brecqhou Island.

Pic by Tony Rive 06-05-16
Lifeboat Coxswain Jason Norman gives the Thumbs-Up as he brings Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey back into St Peter Port after a successful rescue of two young French people from Brecqhou Island.

“Spirit of Guernsey” responded to a report of a person observed floating in a Lifejacket one mile South of Pleinmont Point.

1633 A Call was received by Guernsey Coastguard from Air Traffic Control that a pilot on an inbound flight had spotted a Person supported by a Lifejacket in the water, one mile south from Pleinmont Point.

1637 Lifeboat Red + AirSearch Red.

1658 “Spirit of Guernsey” on scene in the reported location, starting search pattern.  Two local fishing boats, “Molly Ann” and “Prospect” assisting in the search.

1856 After an extensive search including the South Coast of Guernsey, Lihou, Rocquaine and as far north as Cobo in very clear and ideal conditions for the search; no trace could be found of the person or the lifejacket.  As there had been no persons reported missing and any vessels / yachts to have been in the area, the search has been called off.

1938 “ Spirit of Guernsey” returns to St Peter Port. AirSearch stood down.


St Peter Port lifeboat returning to port after the shout. Photo by Colin Le Conte


Lifeboat being refuelled ready for the next action. Photo by Colin Le Conte


Jason Norman, Deputy Coxswain at the wheel. Photo by Colin Le Conte


The search pattern from last night’s search. Data provided by Digimap

Friends of the St Peter Port Lifeboat

The RNLI, including the Guernsey Branch, relies entirely on voluntary contributions and here’s how you can offer your support. We are launching a new fundraising scheme which is easy for you to join and which will give us a
regular source of income.100clubpicture

The new “100 Club” supports the St Peter Port lifeboat and enters you for a monthly lottery draw where you can win some great cash prizes.

Please click on the following links for the application form and the rules.

100 Club Leaflet

100 Club Lottery Rules

Thank you for your support.

St Peter Port Lifeboat Launched to Assist the Day Boat “Catch You Later”

Saturday, 12th March 2016 evening, Guernsey Coastguard received a telephone call from “Catch U Later” advising that they had run out of fuel and were unsure of their position. The Pilot Boat “St Sampson” made an initial attempt to locate “Catch U Later”, whilst preparing to transfer a pilot to “Jaynee W”, but without success.

The St Peter Port Lifeboat “The Spirit of Guernsey” was launched and located “Catch U Later” in the Little Russel before towing her safely back to St Peter Port.

Pic by Tony Rive 12-03-16 Two of the 4 Man Crew walk off the St Peter Port Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey after they had been rescued in their Motor Cruiser west of Tauteney Beacon after they had run out of Fuel somewhere between Herm and St Sampson's Harbour. The fast flowing northerly tide pushed their craft swiftly north before the Lifeboat men found them.

Pic by Tony Rive 12-03-16
The Spirit of Guernsey refuelling back in port after the 2nd shout in 24 hours. Two of the 4 Man Crew walk off the St Peter Port Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey after they had been rescued in their Motor Cruiser west of Tauteney Beacon after they had run out of Fuel somewhere between Herm and St Sampson’s Harbour. The fast flowing northerly tide pushed their craft swiftly north before the Lifeboat men found them.

Catch U Later having been towed back to St Peter Port - picture by Tony Rive

Catch U Later having been towed back to St Peter Port – picture by Tony Rive

Catch U Later having been towed back to St Peter Port - picture by Tony Rive

Catch U Later having been towed back to St Peter Port – picture by Tony Rive

Catch U Later having been towed back to St Peter Port - picture by Tony Rive

Catch U Later having been towed back to St Peter Port – picture by Tony Rive

Motor Cruiser “Beryl Ann” collision with Gate Rock prompts the launch of St Peter Port Lifeboat

Yesterday evening (Friday 11th March) at 2318, Guernsey Coastguard received a telephone call from The Mermaid Inn on Herm advising that a motor cruiser had struck Gate Rock and two people were believed to be in the water. St Peter Port Lifeboat “The Spirit of Guernsey” was launched and quickly located the vessel, “Beryl Ann”, which was well aground.

“The Spirit of Guernsey” recovered two people from Gate Rock, who were still with “Beryl Ann”, and confirmed that they were the only occupants. “The Spirit of Guernsey” returned them to St Peter Port and The States of Guernsey Vessel “Sarnia” recovered “Beryl Ann” this morning

Photo by Carl Bisson

Photo by Carl Bisson
