At approximately 16:55 yesterday evening Guernsey Coastguard received information that two teenagers had been left stranded on Lihou Island on the South West Coast of Guernsey, after being cut off by the rising tide.
At 17:05 the St Peter Port inshore lifeboat, the ‘John & Louisa’ Fisher was tasked to recover the two teenagers arriving on scene at 17:52.
The lifeboat transported the teenagers safely back to the Lihou car park headland where they were met by their parents, the Lihou Island Warden and a Guernsey Coastguard officer who offered words of advice regarding the importance of knowing the opening and closing times of the causeway.
The inshore lifeboat returned to St Peter Port and was back on station at 18:59.
Pic by Tony Rive 01-09-2020 ILB John and Louisa Fisher B-870 heading back to St Peter Port after a Shout to Lihou Island. The Inshore Lifeboat passing inside of Houmtel Island north of Bordeaux Harbour after passing Beaucette Marina.Pic by Tony Rive 01-09-2020 Guernsey’s Inshore Lifeboat John & Louisa Fisher (B-870) heading south towards St Peter Port Harbour inside Houmet Paradis just north of Bordeaux Harbour.AIS tracking by Digimap
At 3:15pm on Friday 28th August 2020, Guernsey Coastguard received a call from a member of the public reporting concern for his friend who was 45 minutes overdue in returning to land having been snorkelling on the west coast of Herm.
Given choppy conditions and the fact that the man had not been positively seen since 1pm, St Peter Port All Weather Lifeboat (ALB) and Inshore Lifeboat (ILB) were both launched in order to conduct a search. Channel Island Air Search was also paged and another vessel in the area was able to assist.
Lifeboats were on scene by 3:45pm and after conducting a short search around the Rocquerie and Plat Houmet area, the man was located safe and well shortly after 4pm having lost track of time. He was returned to Herm Harbour and both Lifeboats and Airsearch were stood down.
photo by Dylan Rayphoto by Dylan Rayphoto by Dylan Ray
At 7:51 AM on Tuesday 18th August 2020, Guernsey Coastguard received a call from a 9-metre sailing catamaran with one person on board. The vessel was in difficulty approximately 10 nautical miles southwest of Les Casquets Lighthouse, West Coast of Alderney. Whilst the vessel was in no immediate danger, the navigation and electronic steering systems onboard had failed and the skipper was unsure of his position.
After gathering further information from the casualty and making an unsuccessful broadcast to vessels in the area for assistance, Guernsey Coastguard requested the launch of St Peter Port Lifeboat. The Lifeboat left St Peter Port at 8:50 AM and was on scene 35 minutes later.
After assessing the situation, a tow line was passed to the casualty vessel and she was towed safely back to St Peter Port arriving shortly after 11:00 AM.
photo by Tony Rivephoto by Dylan Rayphoto by Carl Bisson
At 16:53 this evening a concerned member of the public on the East coast of Herm contacted Guernsey Coastguard stating that an aircraft trailing smoke was seen to lose altitude, however it was not seen to crash and no accurate distance or positions could be given, only that it had possibly crashed somewhere between Sark and the adjacent coast of France.
The St Peter Port all weather lifeboat, ‘Spirit of Guernsey’ and the Channel Islands Airsearch aircraft, ‘Airsearch 1’ were both launched at 17:20 in order to investigate the sighting further.
The St Peter Port Lifeboat arrived on scene at 17:55 with Airsearch 1 arriving at 18:17 at which time an extensive search was conducted in the near perfect conditions of smooth seas and visibility in excess of 10 nautical miles.
Sark and Herm constables mobilised manpower to conduct visual searches from the shore and also several small vessels from Sark put to sea to assist in the search.
Enquiries were made with Air Traffic Control authorities in Guernsey, Jersey, France and the United Kingdom, all of which investigated and found no overdue aircraft or any acting erratically on recorded radar displays. No distress calls or beacon alerts were received at any time during the incident.
At 20:00 with no sightings of any objects or fuel slicks on the water, and no further information from air traffic sources the decision was taken to cease the search.
Airsearch 1 was back on station at 20:15 with the St Peter Port Lifeboat being back on station at 20:52.
Until any further information is available this incident is being treated as a call with good intent and Guernsey Coastguard are grateful to the informant who showed the presence of mind to call in an event that looked out of place.
At 3pm on 9th August 2020, Guernsey Coastguard received a call reporting that a 60 year old male had fallen 20 feet down a cliff at Le Gouffre on the south coast of Guernsey during a recreational climb. A Coastguard officer and paramedics attended the scene to make an initial assessment and after meeting one of the other climbers, it was quickly established that the Guernsey Cliff Rescue team and RNLI Lifeboats would be required in order to carry out the rescue.
Both St Peter Port All Weather Lifeboat (ALB) and the Inshore Lifeboat (ILB) launched on service at 3:43pm and proceeded to Le Gouffre to standby at the base of the cliff. Cliff Rescue arrived on scene at 3:49pm and after assessing the situation, it was determined that the safest means to extract the casualty was to lower him to the base of the cliff and to transfer him into one of the waiting Lifeboats.
Whilst the cliff rescue was being set up, the ILB collected a paramedic from the beach at Petit Bot. The casualty was safely lowered to the base of the cliff and transferred to the ALB via dinghy with the Cliff Rescue team. Both lifeboats arrived back in St Peter Port shortly after 5:30pm where the casualty was transferred to a waiting ambulance having suffered injuries to his legs and arms.
A spokesman from Guernsey Coastguard said “This was an excellent demonstration of multiagency working with assets from the Guernsey Cliff Rescue Team, RNLI Lifeboats, St John Ambulance Service and Guernsey Coastguard all contributing to a successful rescue”
The St Peter Port Inshore Lifeboat (ILB) was launched last evening (6th July 2020) to go to the assistance of two 17 year old males who were in difficulties off the Groines at Vazon.
Guernsey Coastguard received a call at 19:27, informing them that 2 males were in difficulty and clinging to the Groines.
The ILB departed St Peter Port at 19:43 and was on scene at 20:05, the Spirit of Guernsey was also tasked to assist, departing at 20:02.
An experienced local surfer on a rescue board made his way to the two persons in distress and gave assistance and ultimately paddled them back to shore.
Thanks must be given to a surfer who threw his board out to the casualties, which they then managed to get a hold of, and which provided a buoyancy aid, until the local surfer reached them.
The two lifeboats were stood down, and were back on station at 20:43 and 20:32 respectively.
Pic by Tony Rive 06-07-2020 Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey passing La Platte Beacon while returning to St Peter Port Harbour after being stood down from a shout to Vazon Bay on Guernsey’s West coast. The Relief ILB John and Louisa Fisher (B-870) also attended the shout.Photo by Dylan Ray