Jeanie 3

Sunday 29th June 2014

1827 A call was received by Guernsey Coastguard that the 27` yacht” Genie 3” had suffered engine failure was becalmed and drifting close to rocks north of Herm,
1835 As initially, no-one responded to the request to go to the stricken vessels assistance the Lifeboat was tasked to assist the yacht.
1853 Lifeboat pier-heads, proceeding to casualty.
1907 Lifeboat on scene, establishing a tow. Local boat “Sea Monkey “assisting
2005 Lifeboat back in St Peter Port with the “Genie 3” in tow.
2040 Lifeboat refuelled and back on station

Lifeboat Daniel L Gibson towing british yacht Jeanie 3 - Photo by Tony Rive

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