Harold Hobbs

Report of Service on the 29th day of June 1940
Lifeboat – 0N 672 stationed at St Peter Port
Case of the Going to Jersey to fetch the Jersey Lifeboat – ‘Howard D’

Please give here an ACCOUNT OF THE SERVICE from the time of receiving first news of vessel in distress to Lifeboat’s return to Station.

A phone message was received about 3.15 p.m. from the Chief Inspector of Lifeboats by the Hon. Sec. Guernsey stating that the Institution wished to evacuate the Jersey Lifeboat “Howard D” and that the Jersey Hon. Sec. could not raise a crew for the purpose, and asking whether the Acting Hon. Sec. in Guernsey could assist. The Acting Hon. Sec. agreed to enquire into the possibilities of getting the Jersey boat brought up to Guernsey with our vessel to subsequent evacuation to England of both the Guernsey Lifeboat ‘ON 672’ and the Jersey Lifeboat ‘Howard D’. The Coxswain, F Hobbs, was approached and raised no objection whatever to raising a crew for the purpose.

‘ON 672’ left the moorings at St Peter Port at 4.05 p.m. proceeding to Jersey with a crew of seven, including the engineer of the Relief Boat ‘ON 672’. All went well until they reached Noirmont Point about 15 minutes steaming from the Jersey Harbour, when three German aeroplanes appeared astern and dived down to a few hundred feet above the Lifeboat and machine gunned the Boat and crew. The crew layed flat on the bottom of the boat, the Coxswain to keep a look out. The Boat was hit by machine gun bullet. One hit Harold Hobbs, the Coxswain’s son killing him instantaneously, another bullet grazed the knee of the Engineer. The Lifeboat made for the shelter of the breakwater as the raiders flew off uniformly – entered St Helier. The rest of the story I understand has been furnished by the Acting Hon. Sec. at Jersey.

Time of Lifeboat launching or slipping from moorings? 4.05 p.m. [29 June]

Time of arrival on return ashore? 9.00 a.m. – July 3rd

Number of Lives Lost? One member of crew – Harold Hobbs

Was any Damage done to the Boat? Extent of Repairs required? Are they in hand? (Telegraph if necessary) Slight damage by machine gun bullet

Name Rank
Names of Crew (Including Motor Mechanic, if Present)
1. F. Hobbs Coxswain
2. F Zabiela 2nd Coxswain
3. W Gurney Bowman
4. H Hobbs
5. A Hobbs
6. F Zabiela Jnr
7. G Dunstan Mechanic

£24.18.0 less 25/ per head

Remarks – I have advanced the crew 25/- each. (x about 7 hours afloat – about 82 hours ashore in Jersey.
Men for Reward – Crew of Lifeboat (excluding full time employees) 6 Men 89 Hours on duty

We hereby certify that these Services were actually performed.

Given under our hands this 23rd day of July 1940

Signed W. Frampton – Acting Honorary Secretary