Return of Service

Please select the year using the sub menu on the right of this page.

Many thanks to Captain Peter Gill, Guernsey Harbour Master and his colleagues for his work in collating these records.

Boats on Station

Name ON
Unknown None
Louisa Hall None
John Lockett None
Vincent Wilkinson, Kirk Ella 165
Arthur Lionel 626
J.B Proudfoot 694
Alfred and Clara Heath 672
Hearts of Oak 684
Milburn 692
Queen Victoria 719
George Shee 734
Lloyds 754
Canadian Pacific 803
The Good Hope 821
Jesse Lumb 822
The Princess Royal (Civil Service No 7) 828
Thomas Forehead and Mary Rowse 890
Euphrosyne Kendall 912
John Gellatly Hyndman 923
Princess Alexandra of Kent 945
Francis W. Wotherspoon of Paisley 951
Khami 1002
Arun 1018
Sir William Arnold 1025
Edward Bridges (Civil Service No.37) 1037
Wavy Line Ex. Nelsons of Donaghadee 1043
Edith Emilie 1062
Hyman Winstone 1067
Sir Max Aitken 1071
Sam and Joan Woods 1075
Ralph & Bonella Farrant 1081
Newsbuoy 1103
Margaret Russel Frazer 1108
Duke of Atholl 1160
The Will 1201
Spirit of Guernsey 1203
Roger and Joy Freeman 1260
Daniel L Gibson 1269
The Duke of Kent 1278
Margaret Joan and Fred Nye 1279
John and Louisa Fisher B870
Elizabeth and Margaret Milligan B889