
Date Casualty Name (s) Service performed Saved Landed Lifeboat/ON Comments
01 Feb 1978 Commercial Orion Rescue 2 923 Oil Rig on barge, aground near Grandes Rocques. Silver Medal Service.
10 Feb 1978 Commercial Orion Rescue 6 923 Having reboarded to attempt salvage, crew were saved yet again.
15 Feb 1978 Commercial Peter Medivac 1 923 Took out Doctor and lande a sick woman.
14 Apr 1978 Yacht Mor Gan Towed 5 923
14 Apr 1978 Yacht Rosette of York Rescue 2 923
16 Apr 1978 Yacht Tallenduic Gave help 923
13 Jun 1978 Yacht Serenity of Totnes Gave help 1025
15 Jun 1978 Pleasure Helium Gave help 1025
23 Jul 1978 Assistance RNLB 44001 Escorted 1025 Took out medical Auxiliary.
15 Aug 1978 Fishing Rachael B Gave help 1025
15 Aug 1978 Yacht Triton Gave help 1025 Catamaran
19 Aug 1978 Yacht Trumps Towed 4 1025
17 Nov 1978 Yacht Heavenly Twins Escorted 1025 Catamaran.
07 Dec 1978 Fishing Natalie Gave help 1025 of Panama
07 Dec 1978 Pleasure Barbelote II Towed 4 1025 of Germany
16 Dec 1978 Commercial Bandick Gave help 1025
24 Dec 1978 Commercial Leo Pride Medivac 1 1025 Landed an Injured man.
30 Dec 1978 Yacht Ganedidey Towed 9 1025
04 Jan 1979 Commercial Cantonad Recovery Bronze medal Service. Recovery of two bodies
01 Feb 1979 Assistance Sark Medivac 1 1025 Conveyed sick person to St. Peter Port.
13 Feb 1979 Dinghy Towed 1025
30 Mar 1979 Assistance Sark Medivac 1 1025 Conveyed maternity case to St. Peter Port.
20 Apr 1979 Fishing Dieu Te Garde Gave help 1025
22 Apr 1979 Assistance Sark Medivac 1 1025 Conveyed sick person to St. Peter Port.
06 May 1979 Fishing Imar Gave help 1025 of Plymouth
17 May 1979 Assistance Sark Medivac 1 1025 Conveyed injured man to St. Peter Port.
26 May 1979 Yacht Puffin of Hooe Escorted 1025 In tow of other vessel.
23 Aug 1979 Yacht Anticleia Towed 2 1025
26 Aug 1979 Pleasure 1 1025
08 Sep 1979 Pleasure Sarnia Cherie Gave help 1043
01 Oct 1979 Fishing Pole Star Gave help 821
5 Novebmer 1979 Yacht St Bruno Gave help 951
15 Dec 1979 Commercial Altas Medivac 1 1025 Took out doctor and landed injured man.
16 Dec 1979 Fishing Undine Search 1025 Search for fishing vessel off Casquets. Nothing found.
24 Dec 1979 Fishing La Gazelle Towed 1025 Engine Failure 35 miles West of Hanois.