Date Casualty Name Service performed Saved Landed Lifeboat/ON Comments
15 Mar 1986 Commercial Jupiter NSR 1071 Crewman fell in hold. Recovered before arrival.
26 Mar 1986 Commercial Hoo Moss Medivac 1 1071 Crewman tripped, concussed. Transferred to lifeboat and then ashore to hospital St Peter Port
02 Apr 1986 Commercial Neptune Search 1071 Man Overboard. One soul lost.
24 Apr 1986 Fishing Sea Rover Towed 1071 Immobilised, rope and net round propellor.
24 Apr 1986 Commercial Bure Assisted 1071 Drifting off Hanois.
01 May 1986 Diver Search 1071 Diver overdue. Nothing found, One soul lost.
03 May 1986 Yacht Sea Victor NSR 4 1071 Sent to assist but diverted. Assisted by Alderney Lifeboat ‘Forester’s Future’.
3 May 1086 Yacht Prairie Schooner Towed 6 1071 Engine failed, mainsail split. Gale force winds. On lee shore.
26 May 1986 Smoke sighted NSR 1071 Explosion heard, smoke seen. Found to be controlled explosion of bomb by police.
29 Jun 1986 Yacht Watchdog of Wareham Towed 2 1071 Reported heart attack. Doctor delivered by helicopter. In difficulties. Later confirmed deceased.
18 Jul 1986 Pleasure Momo Towed 4 1025 Engine failure 10 miles West of Hanois.
27 Jul 1986 Pleasure Unknown Towed 2 1025 Propellors fouled. Initially assisted by divers from German warship.
01 Aug 1986 Catamaran Casa Chacha Towed 6 1025 In difficulties in heavy seas.
25 Aug 1986 Assistance Herm Medivac 1 1025 Bad weather prevented use of Flying Christine. Patient landed in St. Peter Port.
27 Aug 1986 Yacht Other Woman Towed 1025 Initially assisted by other vessel, unable to make headway.
25 Sep 1986 Yacht Landa Towed 3 1025 Entangled with Crab Pot marker.
? Yacht Karobi Towed 2 Aground at Platte Rock. Lifeboat unavailable. “Tannor of Sark” used as substitute.
19 Oct 1986 Yacht Kiobe Towed 1 1025 Ran out of fuel, making no headway.
19 Oct 1986 Yacht Voluta Towed 8 1025 Gaff cutter. Sprang a leak. Taking in water.
03 Nov 1986 Commercial Orient Fisher Medivac 1 1025 Suspected Appendicitis. Doctor and SJAB staff carried. Landed patient at St. Peter Port.
07 Nov 1986 Yacht Sarah’s Dream Towed 1 1025 Steering failure.
08 Nov 1986 Fishing Cap D’Arquin Towed 1025 Lost Power, Propellor fouled.
26 Nov 1986 Fishing Pieter Tje Medivac 1 1025 Inhaled chemical gases. Transferred to lifeboat and landed at St. Peter Port.
15 Dec 1986 Commercial Kora Escorted 1025 Cargo shifted, escorted to safe anchorage.
20 Dec 1986 Dinghy Azkara Search 1025 Man and dinghy (from Azkara) reported missing. Nothing found.