Date Casualty Name (s) Service performed Saved Landed Lifeboat/ON Comments
18 Mar 1992 Unknown Unknown Search 1025 Mayday’ heard. Nothing found.
21 Mar 1992 Fishing My Josephine Stood By 1025 Machinery failure, engien restarted.
26 Mar 1992 Fishing Arabian Express Stood By 1025 Vessel towed to Cherbourg.
07 Apr 1992 Fishing Janette Elaine Towed 1025 Fouled Propellor
12 Apr 1992 Yacht NoName Towed 1025 New on delivery voyage, machinery failure, Towed to Alderney.
14 Apr 1992 Yacht Arcturus 1 1025 Stranded Havelet bay, vessel wrecked.
25 Apr 1992 Pleasure Imagination No Service Rendered 1025 Reported in difficulties by third party. Made shore safely.
02 May 1992 Liferaft Ailsa Craig II Search 1025 Flares reported. Occupants rescued by other craft. Raft retrieved.
07 Jun 1992 Yacht Lancer 4 Rescue 9 1025 Aground on Rocks.
09 Jun 1992 Fishing Anne Thierry Towed 1025 Fouled Propellor in debris. Tow passed to other vessel.
16 Jun 1992 Missing Persons Unknown Search 1025 2 Windsurfers, found safe and well ashore.
23 Jun 1992 Canoes Unknown Rescue 2 1025 Taken on board. Not in difficulty.
229 June 1992 Fishing Christine P Escorted 1025 Leaking stern gland.
04 Jul 1992 Yacht Maggie Towed 3 1025 Exhaustion.
06 Jul 1992 Yacht Quintilla Escorted 1025 Struck Rocks near Brehon Tower.
11 Jul 1992 Yacht Ouasiti Towed 6 1025 In Difficulties.
22 Jul 1992 Missing Person Search 1 1025 Found ashore on Brecqhou Island
09 Aug 1992 Pleasure Kitu Escoretd 1025 Unsure of ehr position ‘In Rocks’
18 Aug 1992 Fishing Azkarra Medivac 1 1025 Conveyed Doctor, transferred back to lifeboat.
20 Aug 1992 Pleasure San Pan Gave Assistance 1025 Provided fuel then continued to next ‘shout’
20 Aug 1992 Yacht Scimitar Escorted 1025 Lost propellor shaft, leaking.
22 Aug 1992 Yacht Muscadet Escorted 1025 Flares reported, Steering problems
24 Aug 1992 Fishing April Joy Towed 1025 Steering failure
29 Aug 1992 Yacht Whisky Mac 1025
30 Aug 1992 Yacht Sena Siorra Rescue 9 1025 Silver Medal Service
05 Sep 1992 Yacht Amanda 1 1025 Flare sighted, recovered survivor from rubber dinghy.
13 Sep 1992 Pleasure Argosy Escorted 1025 Swamped, assisted by other vessel.
16 Sep 1992 Fishing Our Portland Fisher Towed 1025 Trawl fouled Propellor
26 Sep 1992 Pleasure Anna Marie Escorted 1025 Struck rocks, assited by other vessel.
06 Oct 1992 Commercial Edith Stood By 1025 Crew removed by Helicopter.
24 Oct 1992 Yacht Ocean Madam Search 1108 Unsure of Position. Found close to French coast by other asset.
25 Oct 1992 Commercial William Foster Stood By 1108 Injured crewman recovered by helicopter.
25 Oct 1992 Commercial Igbo Lion Stood By 1108 Machinery failure, Injured man recovered by helicopter, towed to Jersey by tug.
26 Oct 1992 Assistance Sark Medivac 1 1108 Sick Child. Flying Christine unable to attend due weather.
30 Oct 1992 Fishing Josephine Marie Towed 1108 Main Engine problems
06 Dec 1992 Fishing Stargazer Towed 3 1108 Fire and Engine failure.
06 Dec 1992 Assistance Sark Medivac 1 1108 Person ill.