Date Casualty Name (s) Service performed Saved Landed Lifeboat/ON Comments
26 Jan 2001 Fishing Saint Paol Search 1108 Wreckage found.
07 Apr 2001 Yacht Eendracht No Service Rendered 1203 Reported vessel in trouble, near gale conditions off Hanois. Found to be safe and well.
16 Apr 2001 Fishing Van Dijk Search 1203 Man Overboard. AirSearch assisted. Nothing found, One soul lost.
01 May 2001 Yacht Unknown Search 1203 Distress Via Madrid/Crossma. Airsearch and Helicopter assisted in search. False Alarm.
16 May 2001 Yacht Corlay Towed 5 1203 Fouled Propellor
17 May 2001 Yacht Codiam Towed 2 1203 Flares sighted, search commenced by others. Dismasted yacht found.
23 May 2001 Fishing Argo 1 Towed 5 1203 Fouled Propellor. Rescue compromised by hoax calls intended to disrupt the service.
24 May 2001 Fishing Red Dragon Escorted 2 1203 Machinery Failure
27 May 2001 Pleasure C.J. Towed 2 1203 Hit underwater obstruction taking in water. Salvage pump passed, also assisted by others.
11 Jul 2001 Yacht Four Seasons Towed 7 1203 Unable to cope with overfalls and weather conditions.
23 Jul 2001 Aircraft PA 28 No Service Rendered 1067 3 survivors in liferaft reached by others.
24 Jul 2001 Yacht Cantata Escorted 2 1067 Hit rocks, one person slightly injured.
28 Jul 2001 Pleasure Mystique Towed 5 1067 Machinery Failure. Propellor in contact with hull.
12 Aug 2001 Yacht Zangara Towed 2 1067 Unable to make headway.
14 Aug 2001 Commercial Nariva Stood By 1067 Tanker with Engine room fire. Situation recovered, lifeboat stood down.
17 Aug 2001 Commercial Arklow Moor Stood By 1067 Struck rocks at Lower Heads. Escorted to St Peter Port.
17 Aug 2001 Pleasure Sherbrook Rescue 2 1067 Fouled propellor, struck rocks. Power failure.
18 Aug 2001 Fishing Our Portland Fisher Towed 2 1067 Machinery Failure.
18 Aug 2001 Unknown Unknown Search 1067 Reported distress signals, nothing found.
19 Aug 2001 Pleasure Tangaroa Towed 2 1067 Flares sighted. Found by other vessel.
24 Aug 2001 Pleasure Summer Lightning and Joie de Vie Escorted 7 1067 Uncertain of their position, lost in fog.
24 Aug 2001 Pleasure Immanuel 2 1067 Lost in fog, struck rocks. Vessel sank.
13 Oct 2001 Yacht Harrier Towed 6 1203 Fouled propellor, becalmed.
29 Oct 2001 Aircraft G-AYPI Search 1203 Aircraft ditched, dealt with by others.
02 Nov 2001 Pleasure InterNos Towed 3 1203 Taking in water close to Roches Douvres. Airsearch assisted. Salvage pump transferred.
09 Nov 2001 Fishing Chelaris Escorted 1203 Engine failure. Restarted.