Date Casualty Name Service performed Saved Landed Lifeboat/ON Comments
02 Mar 2016 Fishing Harvest Reaper Stood By 1203 Crewman injured in bad weather, helicopter unable to evacuate. Escorted to St Peter Port.
11 Mar 2016 Pleasure Beryl Ann Search 2 1203 Two men reported in water near Gate Rock, Herm. Boat plus two found high on rocks.
12 Mar 2016 Pleasure Catch You Later Search 4 1203 From Alderney to Guernsey, ran out of fuel. Taken on board lifeboat, boat towed to St Peter Port.
04 May 2016 man in water Unknown Search 1203 Aircraft reported man in water 1 Mile from Pleinmont Point. Searched with Channel Islands Airsearch. Nothing found..
06 May 2016 Dinghy Assisted 2 1203 Attempting to reach yacht anchored off Sark. Drifted through Gouliot passage in strong current, Rescued from Brecqhou.
08 May 2016 man in water Unknown Searched 1203 Suspected person in water near Vazon Bay. Searched but nothng found.
24 May 2016 Catamaran Vaares Towed 4 1203 Low on fuel, steering difficulties SW of Les Hanois. Towed to St. Peter Port.
08 Jun 2016 Catamaran Trident V Assisted 16 1203 Struck rocks in thick fog en route to Herm. Transferred passengers and landed safely in St. Peter Port.
10 Jul 2016 Pleasure Fair Douze Towed 2 1203 Disabled, fishing net around propellors. Skipper unwell. Took two paramedics to assist. Towed back to St. Peter Port.
13 Jul 2016 Yacht Marateau Assisted 1203 Yacht reported aground on rocks at Brehon Tower. Confirmed one person on board, safe. Stood down.
15 Jul 2016 Fishing Amy Blue Towed 1203 Power failure, unable to proceed. Towed to St. Peter Port.
18 Jul 2016 Pleasure Shooting Star Search 1203 Departed Sark, made Mayday call. Uncertain of position. Found by Channel islands Airsearch, Escorted to St. Peter Port.
21 Jul 2016 Jetski unknown Search 2 1203 Broken down off Lihou Island, suspected electrical fault. No others in vicinity. Taken to St. Peter Port.
02 Aug 2016 Yacht Bouchon Towed 3 1203 Engine problems, unable to anchor North of Sark, deteriorating forecast, towed to St. Peter Port.
07 Aug 2016 Pleasure Vital Spark Towed 4 1203 Broken down, unable to proceed. 3.5 miles from St/ Martin’s point. Towed to St. Peter Port
27 Aug 2016 Pleasure Emily B Towed 5 1203 Broken down, unable to proceed. SE of Sark. Towed to St. Peter Port
14 Sep 2016 Missing person Unknown No Service Rendered 1203 Report of person missing at Cobo. Found safe and well before lifeboat arived on scene.
17 Sep 2016 Pleasure Rytmic Towed 1 1203 Engine and mainsail problems, unable to proceed, towed to St. Peter Port.
27 Sep 2016 Pleasure Sea Cloud of Scilly Towed 2 1203 Steering difficulties South ot Les Hanois. Escorted then towed to St. Peter Port
16 Oct 2016 Assistance Herm Medivac 1 1203 Pregnant lady conveyed to St. Peter Port.