Date Casualty Name Service performed Saved Landed Lifeboat/ON Comments
29 Jan 2018 Yacht Arz Towed 2 1203 Propellor fouled, no mast, no VHF. On delivery voyage La Rochelle to Dunkirk
04 Mar 2018 Yacht Hiva Opa Towed 1 1203 Loss of power, unable to proceed. Put crewman on board.Towed to St. Peter Port.
01 Apr 2018 Missing Person Unknown Search and Recovery 1 1203 Report of person in water in Belle Greve Bay. Found using harbour workboat. Landed to SJARS. Casualty later reported to have died.
16 Apr 2018 Missing Person Unknown Search and Recovery 1 1203 Report of person in water at Petit Bot. Found and landed to SJARS at St. Peter Port. Casualty later reported to have died.
05 May 2018 Assistance Stranded person Rescue 1 1203 Person reported straned at Grandes Rocques. Revovered to St. Peter Port
27 May 2018 Yacht Liberty 2 Towed 2 1203 Engine failure, unsure of their position 20 miles NW of Guernsey.
02 Jun 2018 Assistance Stranded person Stood down 1203 Person stranded on rocks at Bordeaux, rising tide. Rescued by others before arrival of lifeboat.
03 Jun 2018 Yacht Pearl Towed 2 1203 Unable to start engine, not confident to sail back to port.
05 Jun 2018 Yacht Jambo 6 Towed 2 1203 Person injured on board, conveyed two paramedics, transferred casualty to lifeboat, yacht towed back to St. Peter Port.
08 Jun 2018 Pleasure Phoebe Towed 2 1203 Broken down 25 miles WNW of Guernsey.
22 Jun 2018 Search unknown False alarm 1203 Report of possible survival suit seen in water. Found coat, owner safe and well.
14 Jul 2018 Yacht St Anthony Towed 3 1203 Broken down near Hanois, unable to proceed.
29 Jul 2018 Canoe Unknown Stood down 1203 Multiple reports, inflatable canoe with two persons in difficulties. Made shore before arrival of lifeboat.
31 Jul 2018 Yacht Octave Towed 5 1203 Under tow N of Sark by fishing boat “Bambi”which then overheated. Unable to proceed in light winds.Took over tow.
04 Aug 2018 Pleasure Chianti Towed 4 1203 Broken down 3 miles south of Herm, Towed to St. Peter Port
07 Oct 2018 Assistance Sark Medivac 1 1203 Carried injured person back to St Peter Port.
14 Oct 2018 Unknown Unknown Search 1203 Falmouth CG report activated EPIRB near St Martin’s point. Nothing found.
20 Oct 2018 RIB Plaything Towed 4 1203 Reported broken down. Found South of Herm, towed to St. Peter Port.
26 Oct 2018 Assistance Stranded persons Search and Recovery 5 1203 Family stranded on South Coast near Moulin Huet. Rescued and taken to St. Peter Port.
05 Nov 2018 Yacht Maluel Assistance 1203 Yacht fouled pot markers South of Sark. Cleared, continued on passage.
05 Nov 2018 Assistance Assistance Assisted Police 1203 Person in water at Grande Havre.