“Spirit of Guernsey” called to assist local 10m Fishing Boat with fouled propeller

Tuesday 30th December, 2014

1835 A call was received by Guernsey Coastguard from the local fishing boat “Petite Mel” that her propeller was foul on some netting and that she required immediate assistance. The fishing vessel was just east of Beaucette Marina ….and close to rocks. Due to the precarious location of the vessel , an immediate Lifeboat Red was called and the “Spirit of Guernsey “ dispatched to go to the assistance of the disabled fishing boat

1837 Lifeboat Red

1855 Lifeboat pier-heads proceeding to the casualty

1905 Lifeboat on scene.

1915 Lifeboat returning to St Peter Port, casualty under tow

1935 Lifeboat arrives at the pierheads with the tow.

2000 Back on station

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