“Spirit of Guernsey” called to rescue person on Rocks close to St Martins Point

1507 A call was received by Guernsey Coastguard from a member of the public that a person was shouting for Help on Longue Pierre Beacon close to St Martins Point.

At this time the Sarnia was proceeding south and was requested to divert to Longue Pierre area to investigate.

1510 Lifeboat Red …. Tasked to the area to assist. Airsearch Red — also requested.

1524 Lifeboat pier-heads proceeding to St Martins Point. Request for St John Ambulance Inshore Rescue Boat

1534 Lifeboat on scene, “ Sarnia “ + dory recovering person from Longue Pierre beacon. Casualty transferred to “Spirit of Guernsey” At this time the casualty advised the Lifeboat Crew that there was an additional person missing, last seen one hour ago!

This information escalated the search considerably. The additional assets of “Jethou Flyer” “Leopardess” were requested to assist. The Guernsey Police were requested to muster the Civil Defence Volunteers and asked to commence a Cliff Search form Fermain around to Moulin Huet areas.

On further questioning of the Survivor on-board the Lifeboat, it was apparent that their boat had sunk rapidly just South of Fermain Bay. The other casualty was apparently a strong swimmer. Calls from members of the Public started to come in of another person clinging to rocks close to shore, so the focus of the search was moved to this area.

1558 A 999 call was received from the person we were searching for that he was safely ashore. Police were requested to attend and took this survivor immediately to A+E at the P.E.H.
With this information, once it was established that everyone was safe, the Search Operation was called off and everyone was stood down.

1609 Marine assets retuning to St Peter Port, where the casualty on the Lifeboat will be checked on arrival by St John Ambulance + Rescue Staff.

1618 Lifeboat pier heads.

1632 Lifeboat back on Station

The Guernsey Search and Rescue Services are very grateful for all the assistance and support or the various Emergency Services and additional assets, that worked together to achieve a very successful result.

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