“Spirit of Guernsey” called to rescue two people marooned on Lihou

31st December, 2014

1432 A call was received by Guernsey Coastguard from St John Ambulance and Rescue Service advising them that they had received a call from two people that were trapped on Lihou after they had an accident with their inflatable kayak. One of the casualties had fallen in the water and was cold. As there was no vessels available to go to their assistance, and with failing light; it was decided to send the “Spirit of Guernsey” to Lihou with two St Johns Paramedics on board to treat the casualties.

1442 Lifeboat Red

1503 Lifeboat pier-heads proceeding to the casualty

1537 Lifeboat on scene.

1615 Lifeboat returning to St Peter Port, casualty recovered, checked over and put ashore at Lihou Island car park

1642 Lifeboat arrives at the pierheads.

1720 Back on station

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