“Spirit of Guernsey” launched to assist cruiser East of Sark

At 1020 this morning (Monday 9th July 2012) Guernsey Coastguard received a mayday call from the motor cruiser “Omerta” approximately 2nm East of Sark with a possible fire on board.

Other vessels in the area responded to the call, and the Lifeboat departed St Peter Port at 1035 to assist the crew of 2 onboard the “Omerta” (a 36’ local motor cruiser)

At approximately 1040 the “Omerta” reported the possible fire was extinguished.

The Lifeboat made contact with the casualty at 1101 and escorted the casualty back to St Sampson harbour arriving at approximately 1200.

Omerta in St Sampsons - photo by Tony Rive

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