St Peter Port Lifeboat launched to assist french yacht “Bouchon”

At 1953 on the evening of Tuesday 2nd August 2016, Guernsey Coastguard received a Mayday call via Cross-ma that the french yacht “Bouchon” was experiencing engine difficulties approximately 1nm north of Sark.

The Spirit of Guernsey departed at 2030 and found the yacht “Bouchon” with (3) crew on board at 2051. After attaching a towline to the casualty the lifeboat returned to St Peter Port harbour arriving at 2210 with the French yacht in tow.

Photo by Linden Galsworthy

Photos by Linden Galsworthy

FB_20160803_08_38_07_Saved_Picture FB_20160803_08_38_37_Saved_Picture

photo by Mike Harris

photo by Mike Harris

AIS data provided by Digimap

AIS data provided by Digimap

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