Saturday, 12th March 2016 evening, Guernsey Coastguard received a telephone call from “Catch U Later” advising that they had run out of fuel and were unsure of their position. The Pilot Boat “St Sampson” made an initial attempt to locate “Catch U Later”, whilst preparing to transfer a pilot to “Jaynee W”, but without success.
The St Peter Port Lifeboat “The Spirit of Guernsey” was launched and located “Catch U Later” in the Little Russel before towing her safely back to St Peter Port.

Pic by Tony Rive 12-03-16
The Spirit of Guernsey refuelling back in port after the 2nd shout in 24 hours. Two of the 4 Man Crew walk off the St Peter Port Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey after they had been rescued in their Motor Cruiser west of Tauteney Beacon after they had run out of Fuel somewhere between Herm and St Sampson’s Harbour. The fast flowing northerly tide pushed their craft swiftly north before the Lifeboat men found them.