Late yesterday afternoon (Friday) at 1628, Guernsey Coastguard received a telephone call from a member of the public concerned that they had seen a small boat strike rocks, at speed, northwest of Chouet.
The St Peter Port Lifeboat and Channel Islands Air Search were tasked with searching the area for any signs of wreckage or people in the water.
After a thorough search of the area and with favourable tide, wind and visibility it became clear that there was no one in danger in the vicinity.
St Peter Port Lifeboat and Channel Islands Air Search were stood down at 1805.

Pic by Tony Rive 30-06-17
The St Peter Port Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey searching for a possible missing boat and Person(s) north of Grand Rocques after reports from people ashore that a small white boat had hit rocks and disappeared from view about 1 mile north of Rousse Headland.
Airsearch 1 also conducted a search of Guernsey’s north coast before returning to the Airport for a Crew Change.
Both Search Parties were stood down before Airsearch 1 left the airport with its fresh crew as it was though, the report had been a False Alarm with Good Intent.

Pic by Tony Rive 30-06-17
The St Peter Port Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey rolls in the Moderate Sea conditions off Grand Rocques during a search for a missing boat and Person (s) after a report from people ashore in Guernsey a Boat had hit ruck’s and disappeared from view.

Pic by Tony Rive 30-06-17
Lifeboatmen aboard Spirit of Guernsey look towards the shoreline at Grand Rocques for any sign of a missing boat or People ashore following report’s from 3 people that a White boat had hit rocks off Guernsey’s Northwest coast and sunk.

Pic by Tony Rive 30-06-17
Lifeboatmen lookout towards the Shoreline at Grand Rocques after a report from ashore that a small White boat had his rock’s about 1 mile north of Rousse Headland and disappeared from view. With the tide falling and tidal stream heading West, the Lifeboat searched from outside Rousse/Grand Harve Harbour to Grand Rocques for any sign of the boat or Person’s.
Nothing was found.

Pic by Tony Rive 30-06-17
Six Lifeboatmen plus their Coxswain on the Flybridge of Lifeboat Spirit of Guernsey plus one on the Aft Deck during a search for a boat or wreckage and Person(s) in the water or on shore near Grand Rocques. Nothing was found or spotted before the Lifeboat returned to St Peter Port harbour.