St Peter Port Lifeboats and HM Coastguard Helicopter Search for Overdue Fishing Vessel

Last night (Thursday 28th November 2019) the St Peter Port All Weather Lifeboat “Spirit of Guernsey”, the St Peter Port Inshore Lifeboat “Elizabeth and Margaret Milligan” and HM Coastguard Helicopter R175 were tasked to search for a local fisherman who was reported several hours overdue.

The search initially concentrated around Herm and Jethou with R175 searching the area north of Herm. The fisherman was located by R175 on Cul de L’Autel and winched aboard the helicopter. The casualty was transferred to Guernsey Airport and then by Ambulance to the Princess Elizabeth Hospital where he was treated for the effects of hypothermia. The fishing boat itself had sunk several hours earlier and the fisherman had swum to Cul de L’Autel.

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