The “Spirit of Guernsey” launched to carry out a Coastal Search for a Missing Person

1115 Following concerns for the Safety of a Missing person, who`s vehicle had been located at Pleinmont Headland, the “Spirit of Guernsey” along with CIAS and the Civil Protection Volunteers had been called out to carry-out a thorough search around the Pleinmont Headland .

1135 Lifeboat Pier-Heads proceeding to the Search Area

1152 Lifeboat on Scene, commencing the search, to include the Creux Mahie area around to Lihou Island. Civil Protection Volunteers along with Ambulance Volunteers attending; St John Ambulance Cliff Rescue Team on Standby

1334 The lifeboat had carried out an extensive inshore search from Les Tielles to an area north of Lihou Island using the “Y” boat inshore from Rocquaine all the way north to L’Eree and including the neck of Lihou, all with negative results.

1358 The “Spirit of Guernsey” was doing a final sweep along the South coast when a report from observers on the shore, that something was in the water close to the shoreline in an area just under the carpark where the Missing Persons vehicle had been located.

1452 The weather conditions at that time were not good (Wind SW F6) for approaching a lee-shore with very little room to manoeuvre in a small bay where the item had been observed.

Notwithstanding Lifeboat Cox Jason Norman, displayed outstanding boat handling skills in approaching with the Lifeboat and providing a lee for the “Y “boat to be launched again.

The “Y” boat crew also deserve mention as they managed to retrieve the item of clothing and also noticed an object floating in a cave nearby, returning to the lifeboat they picked up a stretcher, additional crew and returned to the shore area and entered the cave where they discovered the casualty.

1509 The “Y boat returned to the Lifeboat, casualty transferred and then proceeded to St Peter Port.

1527 Unfortunately on arrival at St Peter Port the casualty was pronounced deceased by the Duty Medical Officer.

1616 The Lifeboat was refuelled and is back on Station.

M.T. Gaudion
Duty SAR

Photos by Tony Rive

The course of the St Peter Port lifeboat during the search, AIS tracking by Digimap

The St Peter Port lifeboat tight in the cove in a SW F6


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