“The Spirit of Guernsey”  launched to carry out a search for two persons believed to be missing overboard from a yacht on the west coast of Sark

0056 A call was received by Guernsey Coastguard from a yacht on the west coast of Sark that they had lost two crew members overboard.

0057 Lifeboat Red

0108 Yacht confirms they still have two persons missing overboard

0113 Lifeboat at Pierheads proceeding to the passage between Sark + Breqhou (Gouillot Passage) to commence search

0114 Local craft Access Challenger (Buz White) proceeding to assist search.

0116 Additional assets requested, Flying Christine lll, Leopardess, Sarnia, Breqhou Chief, . All requested assets arranging crews and proceeding, except for Breqhou craft that was unavailable.

0129 Lifeboat on scene commencing search north of the Gouillot Passage

0131 Contact made with ATC advising them that Airsearch, may be required at 0430 ( first light )

0136 Sark Sea-fisheries launched to assist in the search.

0140 Lifeboat in Harve Goselin, communicating with casualty, appears that missing persons are on shore. Sark Constable to confirm. “Y” Boat from the Spirit of Guernsey being prepared to proceed ashore to retrieve casualties.

0146 FClll proceeding to Sark.  Liaising with Spirit of Guernsey as “On Scene Commander”. Sarnia + Leopardess standing by to proceed.

0201 All crew from yacht “Microbe” (Casualty) Accounted for. No medical issues. All assets stood down and returning to St Peter Port.

0236 “Spirit of Guernsey” arrives back in St Peter Port. All assets stood down.

Guernsey Search and Rescue Services are very grateful to all parties who participated in this incident, for their time and commitment, which fortunately resulted in a successful outcome but could easily have been; in other circumstances a tragedy. 

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